Breast Implant Removal Gallery
Patient 1
Examples of breast implants removed with the “en bloc” technique. The first photo shows the implants with the capsules still on the implants and the second photo was taken with the capsules removed, revealing smooth-walled saline breast implants which were found to be clear and intact. The third photo was from a patient who also had en bloc removal of her breast implants. The capsule was subsequently removed from the implant which was found to be a textured silicone mammary prosthesis.
Patient 2
This patient underwent breast augmentation with simultaneous mastopexy in 2011. On the right side, she had a saline moderate plus profile saline implant filled with 510cc and on the left was a saline moderate plus profile saline implant filled with 430cc. Both implants were in the partially subpectoral position. She was a C cup prior to placement of her breast implants. These photos were taken 7 months after removal of her implants and capsules along with a simultaneous bilateral mastopexy.
Patient 3
This patient underwent breast augmentation in 2014 with placement of saline moderate plus profile breast implants filled with 575cc on each side. Photos shown are after removal of her breast implants and capsules and a bilateral mastopexy. The scars have not yet faded in these photos as she is only four weeks post-op in these photos.
Patient 4
This patient underwent breast augmentation in 2005. On the each side, she had a saline breast implant filled with 420cc. Both implants were found to be in the partially subpectoral position. Photos shown are after removal of her breast implants and capsules and a bilateral mastopexy. The scars are beginning to fade eight weeks post-operatively.
Patient 5
This patient underwent breast augmentation in 2013 with placement of a silicone 421cc implant on each side. She had gained thirty pounds since undergoing breast augmentation. Photos shown are one month after removal of her breast implants and capsules and a bilateral breast lift. She did not wish for any breast reduction, only a breast lift/mastopexy. The scars are already beginning to fade only four weeks post-op.
Patient 6
This patient underwent breast augmentation in 2000 with saline breast implants placed above the muscle on each side. The photos shown are six weeks after removal of her breast implants along with removal of her capsules and a bilateral mastopexy.
Patient 7
This patient underwent breast augmentation in 2013 with a 455cc silicone breast implant in the subpectoral position on each side. The scars have not yet faded in these photos as they are only seven weeks after removal of her breast implants and capsules along with a bilateral mastopexy. Her left breast was naturally larger than her right, therefore, I removed some breast tissue from her left breast when performing the mastopexy in order to achieve closer breast symmetry.
Patient 8
This patient underwent breast augmentation with simultaneous mastopexy in 2013 with placement of a 425cc smooth silicone breast implant placed in the subpectoral position on each side. The photos shown are three months after removal of her breast implants and capsules and a simultaneous bilateral mastopexy. This patient had requested a slight reduction of her areola diameter on each side. This patient’s right breast was naturally slightly larger than her right, therefore, I removed some breast tissue from her right breast when performing the mastopexy in order to achieve closer breast symmetry.
Patient 9
This patient underwent breast augmentation in 2008. On the right side, she had a saline moderate profile saline implant filled with 390cc and on the left was a saline moderate profile saline implant filled with 405cc. Both implants were in the partially subpectoral position. She was a small B cup prior to breast augmentation, but had gained weight afterwards which led to a further increase in her breast size. The photos shown are six weeks after removal of her implants, bilateral capsulectomy, and a bilateral mastopexy. The scars have become much more faded with time.
Patient 10
This patient originally underwent a breast augmentation in 1999, followed by exchange of her breast implants with 425cc moderate plus silicone implants and a bilateral mastopexy in 2014. The photos shown are one month after removal of her breast implants along with removal of her capsules and a bilateral breast lift.