Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Breast Augmentation
Disclaimer for breast augmentation FAQ:
This is a general guide about breast augmentation and breast implants for patients considering breast enhancement surgery. These breast augmentation frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers are general guidelines and are not patient specific. As a disclaimer, the below does not substitute for advice obtained personally from a plastic surgeon and a professional consultation. Some answers to these questions may vary depending on an individual’s anatomy and medical history. The transmission of information from Dr. Straka’s website is not intended to create, nor does it create a physician-patient relationship between you and Dr. Straka.
How long is breast augmentation surgery?
Breast augmentation surgery usually takes 1-2 hours. This of course varies from person to person and sometimes varies based on the breast incision location and breast implant type.
Will I be awake during breast surgery? What type of anesthesia is used for breast augmentation surgery?
You will be asleep during your breast augmentation surgery. It is performed under a general anesthetic. Dr. Straka uses Board-Certified anesthesiologists or Certified Nurse Anesthetists to perform the anesthesia.
What does board certified plastic surgeon mean?
It means that that Dr. Straka has the training and experience to make him uniquely qualified to perform your cosmetic or reconstructive procedure. The Mission Statement of The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. is to promote safe, ethical, efficacious plastic surgery to the public by maintaining high standards for the education, examination, certification and maintenance of certification of plastic surgeons as specialists and sub-specialists.
What are side effects of breast augmentation surgery?
Possible side effects of breast augmentation surgery include, but are not limited to, temporary breast soreness, swelling and change in nipple sensation.
Will breast implants increase my risk of breast cancer?
Breast implants will not change your risks of breast cancer. There have been numerous studies that have researched this topic and there has been no link found between breast implants and cancer. Sometimes, breast implants may even make breast lumps easier to detect by pushing breast lumps closer to the skin’s surface. Dr. Straka recommends continued surveillance for breast cancer with annual mammograms for those over 35 and routine physical examinations. If you have a family history of breast cancer or have had a previous abnormal finding, then follow the instructions of your physicals for obtaining mammograms; otherwise, follow the American Cancer Society’s recommendations for mammograms.
How long will it take the scars to fade after breast augmentation?
The scars left by incisions through which the breast implants are inserted will remain pink for the first six weeks or so and will then fade significantly over the following months. Over time these scars may become difficult to even detect.
How long do breast implants last?
The lifetime of the implants varies from person to person. Implants may require replacement to treat deflation of an implant. Some breast implants last a lifetime. Manufactures of implants, such as Mentor and Allergan, offer lifetime warranties on their breast implants.
How long will I have to wear a sports bra after breast augmentation?
A sports bra is typically worn for two to four weeks post-operatively.
What is breast implant massage after breast augmentation?
Breast implant massage begins approximately one week after surgery and is performed daily in order to help keep the implants soft and mobile.
Will I have drains after breast augmentation surgery?
It is rare for Dr. Straka to place drains for breast augmentation.
What should I expect before breast augmentation surgery?
You will be asked to refrain from taking aspirin and diet medications for at least two weeks prior to breast implant surgery. If you smoke, you will be asked to stop smoking prior to surgery since smoking can inhibit the healing process. You will be provided prescriptions for pain medication prior to your surgery so that you have them on hand as you need them. On the day of your breast augmentation surgery, you should wear loose-fitting clothing with preferably a button down shirt. Be sure to have a spouse, family member or friend present to drive you home after the operation. Depending on your medical history, Dr. Straka’s individual instructions to you may vary.
What is the expected recovery after breast augmentation surgery?
The first 24-48 hours following breast augmentation will be the most uncomfortable and most patients experience mild breast soreness and a pressure sensation. Most of your discomfort is well controlled with pain medication. After approximately five days, patients are usually able to drive and return to work but they still need to refrain from heavy lifting and strenuous activity.
Should I use saline breast implants or silicone breast implants?
There are many factors to consider when choosing the type of implant to use. Both saline and silicone breast implants provide patients with a very high level of satisfaction. Advantages of silicone implants are that they have a softer, more natural feel and are associated with less rippling. Advantages of saline breast implants include shorter incisions and resulting shorter scars, adjust-ability of the fill of these implants, and a lower rate of capsular contracture. Dr. Straka will discuss which type of implant will best meet your goals.
What are some of the risks of breast augmentation surgery?
Risks of breast implant surgery include, but are not limited to, hematoma, infection, capsular contracture (the formation of thickened scar tissue around the implant) or increased or decreased sensitivity of nipples or breast skin. These risks are best discussed in person with Dr. Straka. Each person’s risks vary depending on ones natural anatomy and medical history.
Is breast feeding after breast augmentation surgery possible?
Breast augmentation Surgery should not interfere with your ability to breast feed. There is no way to predict how breast implants will affect your experience with breast feeding until you start however, most women find that implants do not significantly inhibit the ability to nurse.
Can I have mammograms after breast augmentation surgery?
Yes. You will be able to have mammograms after breast augmentation surgery. Make sure to inform your technician that you have breast implants. Most technicians are very familiar with the proper techniques to use to obtain good imaging of the breast tissue with implants in place.
Where are the breast augmentation incision sites and resulting scars after breast augmentation?
Dr. Straka will discuss with you the pros and cons for the incision site specifically suited for you. Every effort will be made to assure that the incision is placed so that the resulting scars will be as inconspicuous as possible. Common incision sites are within the armpit (axillary), beneath the nipple (peri-areolar), and within the fold under the breast (infra-mammary).
Should I choose breast implants above the muscle or breast implants below the muscle?
Sub muscular implant placement — Most commonly Dr. Straka places the breast implant behind the chest wall muscle (pectoral muscle). This placement feels and looks more “natural” as there is a greater amount of tissue covering the implant. It typically results in a lower rate of capsular contracture and easier imaging of the breast with mammography.
Subglandular implant placement — Placement of the implants above the muscle typically results in more palpable implants and visible rippling. Studies show a higher rate of capsular contracture with implants placed above the muscle.
How do I choose a breast implant size that is right for me (breast implant sizing)?
Several methods can be used to determine the implant size necessary to achieve your goals. During your consultation, patients may place sample implants within a bra to simulate the appearance of this these implants in your body. Dr. Straka performs detailed breast and chest measurements preoperatively in order to ensure that the implants chosen are appropriate to fit your chest. Dr. Straka also uses breast implant sizers during your surgery in order to confirm that the implants chosen are those he feels best to fit your frame and meet your goals.
What is capsular contracture and what is the treatment for capsular contracture?
The scar tissue (capsule) that normally forms around the implant may tighten over time and compress the implant, making it feel firm, painful and less mobile and lead to what is called capsular contracture. Additional surgery may be needed in cases where pain and/or firmness are severe. This surgery ranges from removal of the scar tissue around the implant, to removal and possible replacement of the involved implant.
Will I lose nipple sensation after breast augmentation?
A small percentage of women experience a change in nipple sensation after surgery, most commonly an increase in sensation which often resolves within three weeks. It is very uncommon for a patient to lose sensation permanently.
Should I choose smooth breast implants or textured breast implants?
Smooth breast implants are the most commonly used type of implant. Smooth implants have a more natural feel and more natural movement than textured breast implants. Textured breast implants are more fixed in their position and are typically used with placement of contoured/anatomic implants to avoid rotation of these implants.
Should I choose round breast implants or anatomical breast implants (also known as contoured breast implants)?
Most commonly, Dr. Straka places round breast implants. The anatomic implants are more tear drop shaped with more projection at the bottom than at the top of the implant. Round breast implants tend to fill in the cleavage area to a greater degree which is especially beneficial in treating the loss of volume at the upper part of the breast following pregnancy.
What is the difference between moderate profile, moderate plus, high profile and ultra high profile breast implants?
For a given amount of volume (for example a 350cc implant), a moderate profile implant will have a greater width and less overall projection than an ultra high profile implant which is narrower and more projecting than a moderate profile implant. Moderate profile plus breast implants have a width and projection in between a moderate and a high profile type of implant. An ultra high profile breast implant has the greatest degree of projection and roundness. In general, the less projection an implant has to offer, the more natural slope of the cleavage area of the breasts, while a more projecting style of implant will give a fuller, rounder appearance to the breasts.
Are any treatments available to minimize the appearance of scars after breast augmentation?
Although the scars after breast augmentation are typically very short, flat and narrow, massage of the scars or the use of special scar tapes may help the scars soften and fade more rapidly.
When can I resume normal activity after breast augmentation?
Patients are instructed to be up and walking on the very day of surgery and typically can shower the next morning. Most patients can drive and return to work within 5 days and may perform mild exercise two weeks post-operatively. Patients are usually instructed to avoid heaving lifting and strenuous exercise for six weeks after surgery.
What is the cost of breast augmentation surgery?
The cost of breast augmentation varies depending on the type of implant used. A price estimate will be given at the time of consultation with Dr. Straka.
Is breast augmentation financing available?
Financing is available for breast augmentation with various terms and rates. A link to Care Credit financing company can be found on the Contact Us page of this website.
What is Breast Augmentation Revision?
Dr. Philip Straka also specializes in performing revisional, or corrective, breast augmentation surgery, which is designed to improve and refine the appearance of a previous breast augmentation. Revisional breast augmentation surgery allows Dr. Straka to “revisit” the work of another doctor and to use his significant experience, training and expertise in cosmetic breast enhancement to improve the shape, implant position, and softness of the augmented breast. Many patients are referred to Dr. Straka for these challenging repair operations.
What is the difference between the terms breast augmentation, breast enlargement, and breast enhancement?
These are interchangeable terms which all refer to the placement of breast implants to increase the size, shape and appearance of one’s breasts.